Blog and tips
Citizenship vs. permanent residence
So if you don't know which option would be better for you, pay attention to the benefits and conditions for obtaining a permanent residence permit and Polish citizenship:
Do you want to drive cars in Poland? read the following article
In order to obtain a driver's license, foreigners must meet a number of requirements for its issuance
Marriage to a foreigner
If you intend to marry a foreign citizen but the person does not have a document certifying the absence of marriage impediments (i.e., circumstances that exclude the possibility of marriage under the law of the country of which he or she is a citizen),
Marriage with a Polish citizen: A civil ceremony
Marriage ceremony in Poland can be either religious or secular. We refer to secular ceremonies as civil ones. How to prepare to marriage with a Polish citizen?
Employment of a foreigner under a contact of employment
An employment contract is a legally binding agreement between an employer and employee. It defines the working relationship and can be used to outline the employee’s role and responsibilities within the business.
Foreigner in Poland: Legalization of stay
Citizens of non-EU/EFTA countries may enter Poland and stay within its territory on a basis of Schengen or national Visa. Visas are issued by a consul
Temporary residence permit
In recent years the number of foreigners coming to Poland increased. Wishing to stay here longer, they decide to fill for the temporary resedence permit. With this permit they can work, study and travel in Poland without any issues.
Humanitarian visa and international protection
A visa is a written permit to cross and stay in a foreign country. Citizens of countries outside the European Union must have a valid visa to enter the territory of Poland.
How to legally hire a foreigner in Poland?
Developing economy is showing the shortcomings in Polish labor market. The needs of specialists in different fields increases. Unfortunately the employer can’t always find needed employees in Poland. Because of this employer will search in different places, other than Poland. In this case it’s important to legalize his work.